PDF Viewer SDK ActiveX 8.5 Released (18 November, 2023)
added OnMouseWheel event. You can detected mouse wheel up or down and Ctrl, Shift key is down or not. Use this event, you can change pages by scrolling mouse wheel or zoom in or zoom out of page by scrolling mouse wheel. Let user navigate to page or zooming easily.
added Unload PDF feature, now call LoadPDFFile method with empty string parameter, it will unload the PDF.
added GetCurrentPage, it will return current page number if you loaded multi-page PDF file.
fixed double click Middle Mouse button, it will display a icon and cannot hide it issue.
added Middle Mouse button events. MMouseButtonDown, MMouseButtonUp, MMouseButtonDblClk events. e.g. When you double click Middle Mouse button, then you can Print the PDF.
added SetControlFocus method, let the control received the OnMouseWheel event if the control lost the focus.