Directshow RTMP Streaming Filter

Directshow RTMP Streaming Filter 7.0

Release Date : 2021-02-01

Platform : Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, Windows 7, XP

RTMP Streaming Directshow Filter allow your application streaming the video and audio content with x86 and x64 DirectShow application to Wowza Media Server , Facebook Live, Youtube Live. 

Directshow RTMP Streaming Filter 7.0 Released (1 February, 2021))

  • added support use low latency mode for streaming and set Constant Rate Factor value.
  • added support Enable or Disable use the BGR color.
  • added EC_RTMP_DISCONNECT event. Fire this events when No network connection or connected RTMP server, then network connection is lost. 
  • updated C#, VC samples.