Image Viewer CP Pro SDK ActiveX

Image Viewer CP Pro SDK ActiveX

Platform : Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, XP

It is a PDF Viewer and Document Viewer SDK , Export to PDF ,Image processing, 1D and 2D Barcode Reader, Writer, DICOM and OCR with C#, C++ , VB.NET , VB, Delphi, Vfp, MS Access.

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MS Access 2016 - Reading Barcodes from an Image and PDF

Step 1: To install the Image Viewer CP Pro SDK ActiveX, begin by launching the setup file ( Select the desired installation folder for the Image Viewer CP Pro SDK ActiveX and continue with the installation on your development computer.

Step 2: Launch MS Access 2016. select Blank database.

Step 3: Select Create Tab, select Form Design.

Step 4: Select Design Tab, Select ActiveX Control. Select Image Viewer CP Pro ActiveX Control.

Step 5: Resize the Image Viewer CP Pro ActiveX Control on form and add the following UI on form.(2 button, 1 textbox , 1 label control)

Step 6: double click button 1 , then  Select Tools - References... , select  Microsoft Office 16.0 Object Library, click OK button.

Step 7: In Command1 button click event, add the following code

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim dlg As FileDialog
Dim bResult As Boolean
Dim strFile As String

Dim obj As ImageViewer
Set obj = ImageViewer0.Object

Set dlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)

bResult = dlg.Show

If bResult Then
   strFile = dlg.SelectedItems(1)
   txtFileName.Value = strFile
    obj.FileName = strFile
    obj.View = 5
End If

End Sub

Step 8: Create a Procedure named ShowBarcode

Private Sub ShowBarcode(obj As ImageViewer, ibarcodeCount As Integer)

str1 = "Total " Str(ibarcodeCount) " BarCode detected" Chr(13) Chr(10)

For i = 0 To ibarcodeCount - 1
       strTmp = obj.BarCodeGetType(i) " score:" Str(obj.BarCodeGetScore(i)) " value:" obj.BarCodeGetValue(i)

       str1 = str1 Chr(13) Chr(10) strTmp

MsgBox str1

End Sub

Step 9:  In Command2 button click event, add the following code

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Dim obj As ImageViewer
Set obj = ImageViewer0.Object
Dim ibarcodeCount As Integer

obj.BarCodeReadScanMultiple = True
obj.BarCodeReadScanWithoutRotation = True
obj.BarCodeReadScan45Rotation = True
obj.BarCodeReadScan45CouterRotation = True
obj.BarCodeReadScan90Rotation = True

obj.BarCodeReadScanAccuracy = True

obj.BarCodeReadCustomRotation =0

ibarcodeCount = obj.BarCodeReadFullPage

If ibarcodeCount < 1 Then ' if no barcode found and the input file is pdf file, try call BarCodeReadPDFOpen for adv reading pdf barcode

    If Right(txtFileName.Value, 3) = "pdf" Then
       Dim iPageCount As Integer
       iPageCount = obj.BarCodeReadPDFOpen(txtFileName.Value)
       ' read first page and first image only, if your pdf have multipage, you need read all images for each page
       ibarcodeCount = obj.BarCodeReadPDFScan(1, 1)
       ShowBarcode obj, ibarcodeCount
        MsgBox "No Barcode found"
   End If

    Exit Sub
End If

ShowBarcode obj, ibarcodeCount

End Sub

Step 9: Right click the Form1, then select "Open" menu item. Then you may run the form

Download the source code of the Reading Barcodes from an Image and PDF sample