Scanner SDK ActiveX

Scanner SDK ActiveX

Platform : Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, Windows 7, XP

For Windows Developers who need to capture image from scanner, digital camera or capture card that has a TWAIN device driver with C++  , C#, VB.NET , VB, Delphi, Vfp, MS Access.

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C# - How to Read Barcodes from scanned documents

Step 1: To install the Scanner SDK ActiveX Control, begin by launching the setup file ( Select the desired installation folder for the Scanner ActiveX and continue with the installation on your development computer.

Step 2: Create New Visual C# Project, select Windows Application. 

Step 3: The next step is to install Scanner ActiveX in ToolBox. Select Toolbox, select Components item, right click mouse button, select Choose Items...

Step 4: Select COM Components tab, select Scanner ActiveX Control , click OK.

Step 5: Now you will see the Scanner ActiveX's icon on toolbox, drag it to form.

Step 6: Add Combo box, two buttons , label and textbox on form. Like the following picture.

Step 7: change the name property of textbox  to "txttotalpage" 

Step 8: In form load event, add the following code to add the image source item to combo box.

 short iCount = this.axScanner1.GetNumImageSources();
            for (short i = 0; i < iCount; i )
            if (this.comboBox1.Items.Count > 0)
                this.comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0;
Step 9: add the following code in Scan button click event , assume your scanner support Auto Feeder, if not set FeederEnabled = false, make sure you set BufferResizeMode = false , we need keep the barcode quality , so do not resize the buffer.

            this.axScanner1.FeederEnabled = true;
            this.axScanner1.DPI = 200;
            this.axScanner1.SetCaptureArea(0, 0, 0, 0);
            this.axScanner1.BufferResizeMode = false;

Step 10: select the Scanner Control, Click Event icon in Properties Windows, double EndScan Event to add the EndScan Event hander.

Step 11: In EndScan event handler , add the following code to get the total scanned page to textbox 

  txttotalpage.Text = this.axScanner1.TotalPage.ToString();

Step 12: Add the following code on "Read Barcodes for All Pages" button click event.

            string str1="";
            string strTmp = "";

            axScanner1.BarCodeReadScanMultiple = true;
            axScanner1.BarCodeReadScanWithoutRotation = true;
            axScanner1.BarCodeReadScan45Rotation = true;
            axScanner1.BarCodeReadScan45CouterRotation = true;
            axScanner1.BarCodeReadScan90Rotation = true;
            axScanner1.BarCodeReadScanAccuracy = true;

            long ibarcodeCount = 0;
            long ibarcodeCountforpage = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < axScanner1.TotalPage; i )

                axScanner1.SetActivePageNo((short)(i 1));

                ibarcodeCountforpage = axScanner1.BarCodeReadFullPage();

                if (ibarcodeCountforpage < 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("No barcodes found, try scan to high DPI or set the specific area for detect the barcode");


                for (int j = 0; j < ibarcodeCountforpage; j )
                    strTmp = axScanner1.BarCodeGetType((short)j).ToString() " score:" axScanner1.BarCodeGetScore((short)j).ToString() " value:" axScanner1.BarCodeGetValue((short)j).ToString();

                    strTmp = strTmp "rn" strTmp;

                ibarcodeCount = ibarcodeCount ibarcodeCountforpage;

              str1 = "Total " ibarcodeCount.ToString() " BarCode detected" "rn" strTmp;


Step 13: Now run the project, select the scanner device, click Scan button, after scanned all pages, click "Read Barcodes for All Pages" button

Download the C# How to Read Barcodes from scanned documents sample source code