Digital Signage Desktop Software - AV Manager Network Version

Digital Signage Desktop Software - AV Manager Network Version

Platform : Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, Windows 7, XP

It is Digital Signage Desktop Software / Content Management Software. It can play back various types of media with your monitor, everything can be uploaded to the monitor.

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Diagnose Digital Signage Software - AV Manager Network Version upload schedule problem

  1. In AV Manager computer, click Start, then click Run. Type

    You should now see a prompt similar to this:

    open  ( is the IP address of AV scheduler computer, you should enter correct IP address of your AV scheduler computer)



  2. For the user,  entered that account details into the configuration screen in AV Manager.



  3. After you enter user name and password. You should now see a prompt similar to this:



  4.  You could have also used ls to view the directory and file names.

    If you cannot see Data and Schedule folder in dos prompt. because you have not set the FTP  home directory to
    C:\Program Files\Viscom Software\AV Scheduler Network Version
    Please checking your FTP server setting.


  5. To end the FTP session, Enter: quit or bye.