Direct MP4 Encoder Directshow Filter
Direct MP4 Encoder Directshow Filter

Direct MP4 Encoder Directshow Filter 3.5

Platform : Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, XP

Direct MP4 Encoder Directshow Filter allow your 32bit or 64bit APPLICATION encode stream from a capture device, web cam, source filter and save to MP4 video in any Directshow base application. 

Key Features

  • Encode stream from a capture device, web cam, source filter and save to HD MP4 format using H264 video codec and AAC audio codec.  
  • Include x86 and x64 directshow filter. You may using on 32 bit or 64 bit application.
  • For x64 version, you can save to 4K MP4 video (3840x2160).
  • Support GPU Acceleration(NVIDA, AMD, Intel) when capturing to MP4 file. Custom NVIDA Preset. it can minimize usage of CPU , let the output video quality is better or output Low-Latency MP4 file. 
  • Support checking what GPU is installed on your computer
  • Support add metadata, Title, Author, Comment, Album, Copyright information to MP4 file. 
  • Fast Encoding speed, keep the audio synchronization.
  • Support pause and resume when capturing.
  • Possible to use the Direct MP4 Encoder for capture video/audio from webcam, captpure card to MP4 file in real time. 
  • Possible to use the Direct MP4 Encoder for Records screen activity from the Windows desktop into HD MP4 movie files.
  • Possible to use the Direct MP4 Encoder for capture the video stream from IP Camera. 
  • Compatible with any programming language that supports Directshow (Visual C , C#, VB.NET, VB6, Delphi etc.)  
  • Include C# 2019, C# 2010, VC 2010 Sample Code. 
  • Royalty free distribution of the Directshow Filter.

Sample Screenshot

Pricing & Purchase ( if you want to use paypal, please email us )

Single developer license (x86 and x64) EUR 798
Team developer license (x86 and x64) EUR 1980
Site wide license (x86 and x64) EUR 2980

What's New

Version 3.5 Released (22 June, 2021)
  • added c#2019 sample.
  • updated C# 2010, VC 2010 sample, now it use VMR7 for render the video, because some display card does not support use VMR9 for display the video.

Version 3.0 Released (14 May, 2019)
  • added SetHwCodec method that support Support GPU Acceleration(NVIDA, AMD, Intel) when capturing to MP4 file.
  • SetH264Preset method support more option when use NVIDA GPU Acceleration.
  • added DetectGPU method that support checking what GPU is installed on your computer.
  • updated C# 2010 IDirectMP4EncoderConfig  interface. fixed string type to IntPtr type. 
  • added C# 2015 sample.
  • updated C# 2010, VC samples.

Version 2.1 Released (5 September, 2018)
  • fixed output mp4 file,  the ‘Date” is changed to 6/6/1905 on windows 10.

Version 2.0 Released (17 July, 2018)
  • added x64 directshow filter.
  • For x64 version, you can save to 4K MP4 video (3840x2160). 
  • updated VC sample, now it include 32 bit and 64 sample.
Version 1.0 Released (08 February, 2017)

Online Documentation

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