All-in-one Decoder Directshow Filter
All-in-one Decoder Directshow Filter

All-in-one Decoder Directshow Filter 2.0

Platform : Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, XP

It allow your application playback MP4, MOV, MPEG1, MPEG2, VOB,  WMV, FLV, XVID, DIVX AVI, DIVX, AVCHD, WebM, MKV video file with x86 and x64 DirectShow application.

Key Features

  • Support playback MP4, MOV, MPEG1, MPEG2, VOB, WMV, FLV, XVID, DIVX AVI, DIVX, AVCHD, WebM, MKV video files without installed third party player application
  • Include x86 and x64 directshow filter. You may using on 32 bit or 64 bit application.
  • Support Count Audio Track and Change Audio Track of MP4, MOV, MPEG1, MPEG2, VOB,  WMV, FLV, XVID, DIVX AVI, DIVX, AVCHD, WebM, MKV file.
  • No depend on files extension. If the file name is no file extension or wrong file extension, it same can playback. 
  • Support Seeking, change Control playback speed.
  • Support pause and resume.
  • Possible to use the All-in-one Directshow Filter for Convert MP4, MOV, MPEG1, MPEG2, VOB,  WMV, FLV, XVID, DIVX AVI, DIVX, AVCHD, WebM, MKV files to other formats.
  • Possible to use the All-in-one Directshow Filter for Extract thumbnails from MP4, MOV, MPEG1, MPEG2, VOB,  WMV, FLV, XVID, DIVX AVI, DIVX, AVCHD, WebM, MKV movies.
  • Compatible with any programming language that supports Directshow (Visual C , C#, VB.NET, VB6, Delphi etc.)
  • Include C# 2019, 2010, VC 2010 Sample Code.
  • Royalty free distribution of the Directshow Filter.


Sample Screenshot

Pricing & Purchase ( if you want to use paypal, please email us )

Single developer license (x86 and x64) EUR 999
Team developer license (x86 and x64) EUR 1999
Site wide license (x86 and x64) EUR 2999

What's New

Version 2.0 Released (12 June, 2020)
  • fixed Videos recorded using mobile devices(e.g. iPhone) with portrait mode , fixed shows the video as landscape instead of portrait.
  • fixed Videos recorded using mobile devices(e.g. iPhone) , it displayed upside down issue.
  • add avfilter-5.dll and postproc-53.dll files, you need distribute these dll files when decode the video.

Version 1.0 Released (7 October, 2019)

Online Documentation

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